Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankfulness and Hope – The call of the wild buffalo and the wild horses

I am reprinting a letter that originates from The Buffalo Field Campaign. The letter gives thanks for the few wild buffalo that still remain on public lands. The letter was written this time last year and was reprinted by TBFC in honor of the passing of Barb Abramo, an integral part of their long standing fight to save the wild buffalo.

This letter touched me deeply, especially today, Thanksgiving Day when this time last year Grass Roots Horse began to expand their work in the field for the wild horses who are very much under a similar attack from the same government agency. I have always felt a kinship to the honorable people that make up The Buffalo Field Campaign and held their commitment to what they treasure as an ideal to work towards.

The letter below exemplifies the hope that I want to keep in my heart, the hope that I need to keep in my heart, that both the wild buffalo, the wild horses and we the people will survive and thrive. I want to keep the hope that people will return to their state of “wild” too – “wild” meaning the state of independence. Where we can truly take care of ourselves and are free to choose and live a life that harms no one and we find peace. 

I hope that you feel the same hope as you read this letter.   

Letter From 2010 – The Buffalo Field Campaign

“We give thanks that there are still wild buffalo walking the Earth. Buffalo that still follow their migratory instincts and still carry the integral wisdom of the ancients that does not bend or bow to human fences, boundaries, or prejudice. We give thanks for the wild buffalo's instincts to simply place one foot in front of the other and walk the land, regardless of government plans; a drive so deeply rooted in their time before time that man's shallow greed has not yet taken this from them. We give thanks that buffalo still roam, confounding certain humans' selfishly inflicted consequences. We give thanks for the last remaining buffalo that found shelter in Yellowstone's remote Pelican Valley barely 150 years ago; the twenty-three that were all that was left of tens of millions, who ensured the survival and wild integrity of their prehistoric kind. We give thanks that buffalo have biologically withstood diseases brought by invasive cattle, their blood building resistance to the dark gifts from these bovine invaders. We give thanks that it is still possible to look into the eyes of a wild buffalo and remember a time we forgot we once knew, and dream of its return. We give thanks that the land cries out for the return of wild buffalo, welcoming their homecoming when the hearts of humans open to the drumming of the buffalos' foot steps, and the land is again shared, healed and whole with the presence of wild buffalo.

We give thanks for the abundance of snow that has been falling, snow that brings the life giving waters when the sun waxes and the rivers run fast and deep through the veins of the mountains and out to the sea. Bittersweet this gift, as the buffalo will also flow with the deepening snow, and this is as it should be, and though we know harm awaits them, we celebrate their life force and give thanks that they continue in their wild ways despite the obstacles. We give thanks for the persistence, resistance, and endurance of wild buffalo.

We give thanks for those who hear the call of the wild buffalo. We are grateful for the volunteers who come from around the globe to defend the buffalo, joining us for the first time, or coming back again year after year, or returning after an absence. We give thanks for everyone everywhere who cares about wild buffalo and celebrates their wildness and takes action for their right to roam. We give thanks to all of you who make it possible for us to be here standing with the last wild buffalo, bearing witness, sharing their story. We give thanks for the realization that long-term perseverance and passion-turned-action will bring the necessary change we all seek. We give thanks that the status quo that harms the buffalo and the land is an unsustainable and temporary thing in the grand theater of life on earth. We give thanks that there is still time to act, though the time is short, and act we must. We give thanks for the elders who guide us with experience and wisdom and for the flame of passion that burns within the hearts and minds of the youth; for the combined energy and power we hold in our hands to save us from ourselves, and learn to be more like the buffalo. We give thanks for the lessons the buffalo teach us about family, solidarity, fearlessness, abundance, resolve, gentle strength, coexistence, following our instincts without compromise, non-violence and the simplicity of the solutions right before our eyes. We give thanks for the hope and vision of a life for buffalo in which they thrive within their inherent wildness, for a world in which buffalo and all other native wildlife are given precedence on public land, and that buffalo herds will flourish as self-regulating sustainable populations, a rich and viable source for their future evolutionary potential and ambassador for the sovereignty of the land.

We give thanks ~ everyday ~ for the wild buffalo that remain and for each and everyone of you who cares about buffalo and makes the work of Buffalo Field Campaign possible.

Thank you from Buffalo Field Campaign!

Roam Free!”

This is a link to their website so you can learn more about them

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello. Who Are You……Really

I have to say I enjoy Twitter and Face Book immensely but I am finding my FB experience is marred by a disturbing trend. For those of us who mix our community service and advocacy in with our on line social lives we walk a challenging line.

A Genuine Connection

Since most of the people I interact with are as passionate about their advocacy and staying current with what is happening in the world  as I am, it is not unusual to have FB friends share links and articles and things that are pertinent to the work we do in the course of our everyday lives.

These posts are alongside our Birthday wishes to each other and our garden photos. Through this I feel a genuine connection is made. I honor what people want to share with me and  I feel honored to have it filter through my small page in cyberspace. We connect in good times and in bad.


If There Is Nothing To Hide, Why Hide

However, I have noticed an increase of new FB friends or FB friends in groups whose profile pictures, FB pages and photos are only "stock photos" and SPAM. They show no name or any indication who this person is. Along with those individuals who do not even use a name but a title of sorts that relates to the "cause of the day" are the people who are genuinely offering a friendship or a partnership in advocacy for a joint cause.

Months ago I closed my page to people other than friends which I felt really sad about. It used to be open to friends of friends which was alot of fun as we built what felt like a community. As the influx of the "friends" who don't share their names or real photos escalates it becomes apparant to me that because the pages they share only contain what I call industrial SPAM, my experience is diminished and a feelig of community suffers.

I'm an outgoing but private person. yet I put myself out there with honesty and with a thoughtfull respect for other people's time on social networks. For many it is their only leisure time and is rare. So when people don't show who they are and hide behind fake FB pages and then bombard me with posts that usually are to raise money for themselves, it insults me and it should insult you too.


I Appreciate the Opportunity to Be in a True Community

I am grateful when a fellow advocate, friend, family member or friend of a friend gives me the opportunity to help financially with their cause if I am able to do so. I want to know about their passions and I do what I can to network the information. When an unknown entity that does not even want to share their basic identity, or fills my timelines with an endless parade of the same posts pleading for money (SPAM of the worst kind) I draw the line. I cannot allow them the same space as those truly wanting a real connnection and an honest sharing of information.

I ask:  be real, be present, show who you are. Join a true community and be as respectful of me as my intention is to be of you. Please don't hide behind a FB facade as a means to blast people or scam people without accountability.  I have seen it on the comment sections of articles - many quirky names that are attached to the same person, and it is like watching Sybil as an advocate on steroids.  Each different name has a different perspective, many nasty and they are all the same person.  It dimminishes us all.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Thaw

The farm is beginning to wake up. The signs have been sporadic but picking up steadily. A young duck family is swimming in the small pond, the sound of the peepers at night is getting louder and of course the horses and donkey are shedding.

I have the urge to open up space, find order in the gardens and find some balance again. The horses seriously need baths and the pale grey horses are as dark as the bay horse. 

Snow and Ice – Repeat

The winter was a tough one. The frequent storms left a lot of snow and a lot of ice. I was stuck on the farm roads more than once and grateful for a husband who would show up with a shovel and a smile. After one ice storm in particular, my truck slid down the driveway and right into a deep snow bank. It was too icy to climb back up and when my husband came out to help dig my truck out the only way down the driveway was on his backside. He’s a good sport so even though it was just after sun up on a Sunday morning, he sat on the shovel like it was a sled and he was in the snow bank with me in a nano second.

I felt less guilty that I never got around to taking the burlap coffee bags out of the back of my truck since they were as useful for getting traction under my stuck tires as they were pretty in the garden as paths.  


Winter and Wild Horses

The work wasn’t just in the barn keeping the horses and donkey happy and well or making sure my elderly neighbor was happy and well but the fight for the very lives of America’s wild horses and burros was a 24/7 job. My cell phone and laptop were on call round the clock and the stress was high. 

I accomplished a goal I had set for myself which was to get the information, photos and videos from the obscure roundups out to the public in as close to real time as possible. With current information the public could use it to get help for the quickly disappearing wild  horses.  We got very fast at moving information and as soon as the info came to me, it went out to the public on the Grass Roots Horse blog ( ) sometimes in the wee hours of the morning and oftentimes I posted several times a day. My mantra became “let us make it through Antelope” (Antelope was allegedly the last roundup until the roundup at “Triple B” which was scheduled for the peak of July heat in Nevada and the height of foaling season.)  I made it through but I am forever changed and as the saying goes, “once you know, you can’t not know”.

Life will never be the same which is why my thoughts now are on finding a peaceful place for my mind to rest as I continue to fight for the wild horses and burros.  

New Directions

012 (3) Kelly for blog

Spring is welcome now.  Dead wood is being removed in all parts of my life.  The shrubs that suffered too much damage from the winter storms need whatever help we can give them. It’s time to cut back the ornamentals and uncover the pathways again. Clean the paddocks and repair the fences.  Those are great things to do while my mind has space to connect the dots and see the patterns that need to be connected and uncovered so real change can happen for the wild horses and burros.

I have faith that the new direction that Grass Roots Horse is focusing on will bear fruit. New projects are opening up for me personally as well and the seeds of past creative projects are bearing fruit after being dormant.

Now if only the pear tree in the vegetable garden will bear fruit again……. stranger things have happened……